Writing Out Our Faith
We've been talking a lot about writing letters lately.
We've talked about how surprising and unexpected it can be to receive a handwritten note, how meaningful it is and how it can create connection.
If you haven't had a chance to read the previous posts in this series, I sincerely urge you to do that. It encouraged me tremendously to write it and I know there's encouragement waiting for you, too.
And if those aren't good enough reasons to try writing a letter, I've got another for you.
Stationary is cute! And fun! And can brighten someone's day. (Just to prove it to you, subscribe today to gain access to the Resources page to grab your FREE stationary bundle designed by yours truly!)
I recently had a friend come stay with me and she reminded me of how fun stationary can be. She encouraged me in so many ways but one of them was in her challenge for me to write a letter to...

Meet Nora
You know those people who you didn't even ask God for but you know He brought them into your life? Nora is one of them for me.
We first came to know each other in a writing class. A few months later we met in person at a writer's conference held at The Oaks.
Fast forward a couple months and Nora had reached out about visiting Oklahoma for a conference and mentioned trying to meet up for dinner one night. Something inside nudged me to offer my guest bedroom to her. She accepted and, little did we know, a beautiful friendship was about to form.
Through lots of fun and heartfelt conversations, we ended that weekend together as new friends with her saying, "Candace, I think I came here for you."
Humbled and so grateful, I said, "I know."
God may have used the conference to get her to Oklahoma but it was clear He brought her here from San Francisco for me.
His timing couldn't have been more perfect. So many details aligned.
There are very few people as encouraging as Nora. She is intentional and speaks life into everyone she comes into contact with. It's amazing to witness and truly inspiring to experience.
I'll be sure to let all of you know when her book is published. You're going to want to read it and get to know her. It's only a matter of time before her words inspire many, many more around the world.
Her gift for writing and her heart for Jesus and people will continue to have a profound impact on this world. There's no doubt.
Walking into the kitchen the morning after she left for an early flight, I saw a note she left me sitting on the island as well as a couple blank cards from her new stationary.
You see, the night before she had challenged me to write a letter, and now she had given me the materials I needed to do just that.
Dear... Me
This wasn't just any letter. This was a letter to myself.
How do you even start this kind of letter?
In her very fun Nora way, she challenged me to write out my faith.
She told me how she had recently written two letters to herself, one she'll open six months down the road and the other in a year.
Seeing the stationary sitting there for me, I knew I needed to try this. The card itself struck me. It had a bright, cheerful sun on the front. The inside of the yellow envelope had bright blue skies and a few fluffy, white clouds.
I looked out my window and saw a very different view.
Gray skies. Rain. No sunshine.
Recognizing the irony before me, I stood in it for a moment, not quite sure what was here for me. Then, I realized this was all leading my heart to what needed to be written.
It felt a little strange at first to write the letter to myself. I'm not sure when I'll get to open this one. Instead of putting a date for exactly six or twelve months on the envelope, I wrote "When the storm subsides..."
It's a letter about hope.
About trusting God's promises.
About seeing His faithfulness.
Although I don't know when I'll get to open this letter, I do know with absolute certainty I will get to open this. I know this storm will run out of rain.
In these times, we must trust all of God's promises to us are YES and AMEN.

I'm not sure how the words written inside will greet me then, but I believe it will strengthen my faith and help me remember the day I wrote it when the gray skies covered my heart yet I believed blue skies and His promise for a rainbow would come.
A sweet friend who lives in a nearby neighborhood sent me a picture last week of a rainbow she saw over my house. She had no idea I had written these thoughts down, but God did. I took it as a reminder from above that He sees me and He is faithful.
You know, maybe the rainbows we're praying for have already been placed over us, but we're not looking directly above to see it. That's where community comes in. We need others to help us see how God is moving and is always faithful even when we can't see it.
I don't know what prompted Kacie Musgraves to write these song lyrics, but I think it's such a sweet illustration of this and will encourage us today.
If you could see what I see, you'd be blinded by the colors Yellow, red, and orange, and green, and at least a million others... 'Cause the sky has finally opened The rain and wind stopped blowin' But you're stuck out in the same ol' storm again You hold tight to your umbrella Well, darlin', I'm just tryin' to tell ya That there's always been a rainbow hangin' over your head - Kacie Musgraves, Rainbow
Friend, I'm just tryin' to tell ya that there's always been a rainbow, the promise of God's faithfulness, hangin' over your head.
Taking the Challenge
I'm not sure what's heavy on your heart. I don't know the season you're in or what you may be entering, but I do know we can all use more faith. What if five minutes could do just that?
Although I can't physically leave a card in your kitchen as your reminder, consider this post as that. Sure, stationary is fun, but it doesn't have to be anything fancy.
A plain piece of paper.
A sticky note.
A napkin.
The back of a receipt. It doesn't matter.

If you want some s'cute stationary (short for "so cute" because that's how I like things - S-C-U-T-E, s'cute), subscribe below to get access to the Resources page and grab your FREE stationary bundle today!
Then, take a couple minutes to be still and quiet and then write a letter to yourself. Consider putting the date of six months from now on the front of the envelope. Maybe a year. Maybe another time.
Then, pray over it and place it somewhere safe.
Writing is a way of slowing down and gathering your thoughts, even if only to be shared with yourself in the days ahead to build your faith and see...
...there was Jesus
with you
through it all.
Friend, I know all of heaven is cheering us on when they see our faith take action. Writing it down is just that. What are you waiting for? Grab your pen and that piece of paper and write out your faith.
Let's find strength in giving faith our words and our time. May our joy build as we expectantly wait for the day when we get to open the letter. May we be met with peace both today as we write it and on the day we open it and rest knowing He never leaves us nor forsakes us.
Our trust is secured in Him.
The good life, well it starts with a good day. Then another. Then another. Let's choose to live #TheGoodDay one day at a time.

I love hearing from you, so go ahead. Leave a comment. Be brave. Maybe your comment will speak life into someone else!
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