Introduction to Season Five
Oh hey, short on time? No worries! I'd love to join you on your commute or daily walk/run, or shoot, even while you take care of that to-do list. We can't let these things get in the way of this friendship. It's just starting to get good! Click below to listen to the blogcast.
Alright, we're starting season 5 off with a confession.
In a way, it's timely. Many of us start the new year off with a confession of sorts. I say "of sorts" because we rarely call it this. Instead, we call it a new years resolution. Perhaps we call it a goal. But really, it's a confession.
When we say we want to eat less sugar, we're confessing we consumed too much sugar last year, or more than what was good for us.
When we say we want to practice our best yes this year, we're confessing we said yes to too many things last year and didn't say no enough.
Or, if you're like me, it's a specific scripture I'm clinging to this year and through this, I am confessing of the peace I've forfeited before by not clinging to the peace God has for me in His word.
What do you need to confess as you enter into this new year? Give this some thought today, and while you do, I have another confession for you...
I need words of affirmation as much as the next person but if you want to see me get awkward real quick, notice something I do well and give me a compliment. I'll deflect or dismiss quicker than you can say, "Holiday whoobie whatie?!"
And I'm realizing it's not just me. Others do this too. Still, there are times I've accepted a gift or talent as something less because it comes so naturally to me. I wrongly assume everyone sees the world this way or has a knack for this. In doing so, I overlook an opportunity to serve others with the unique gift or talent I've been given, but even more, I neglect praise to the One who gave it to me. Then, of course there are plenty on the opposite end of the spectrum who talk about what they know or do so well that they practically express their own compliments or go fishing for them.
I don't think either practice is healthy. We need to find some ground in the middle - acknowledging the gifts and talents we've been given and walking in these fully while humbly acknowledging these are given to us from our Creator so that we may make His name greater not our own.

Did you happen to catch any of the Summer Olympics in Paris last year? My favorite moment from the Olympic games was easily the Men's 1500m. In case you missed it, let me paint the scene for you...
While the men are taking their places on the track, the pre-race hype is centered on the runners from Norway and Great Britain, and by the way they walk out to the track, we know they know it. Everyone is watching these two. Sure, there are other men in the race but all of our attention is directed to a hopeful world record from one of these European runners.
As the race begins, the hype is confirmed. Norway takes the lead with Great Britain remaining within striking distance. Who we're not watching right now is an American by the name of Cole Hocker. He's fighting from the back, running hard but 4th from the rear. He may be known for his finish but 1500m at this sprinting pace makes it a hard race to make up ground, but that's just what he does. By the start of the final lap, he's made it to the top five, his name just barely on the televised leaderboard. Norway and Great Britain commanding the lead. But, in the final straightaway, Hocker kicks it into gear, passing his American teammate, then the Norwegian who was losing steam, and in the final steps of the race, passes the Brit to take home gold! It was epic! It may have been 'Dubs and I's "just one more race before bed" but we were so pumped full of adrenaline from this race, we couldn't go to sleep if we tried.
In the pre-race hype, all we heard about was how great two runners were. In the post-race interview, Hocker had every reason to take the glory - he had fought hard and come from the back of the pack to win, but instead he chose not to make his name great but God's name greater through him, giving God the glory for giving him the strength to endure training and this intense race.
God's given each of us gifts and talents. For some, it's the ability to run at impeccable speed. For others, it may be a fascination and gift for setting a table or restoring old machinery from a previous generation. Then again, maybe it's organizing a pantry or closet or maybe walking with someone through mental illness. For many, they feel most fulfilled with a brush in their hand and a canvas before them.
These thoughts propelled me to spend some time intentionally asking the people around me about their gifts and talents, how they identified these and how they find purpose for their days as they live and work in them.
I've talked with people about health - all the different aspects of health - physical, spiritual, financial, mental, relational, emotional - and how it's all interconnected. I've talked with people who have been gifted in the arts and others who have a special knack for organizing, writing, speaking, teaching. Others who have gained wisdom and insight for parenting from their own personal walk with the Lord. Others who use their gifts and talents to help kiddos push past their limits and reach for the stars. It's been fun learning from people who have musical talents and giftings for hospitality and bringing people together.
And, you know what is quite remarkable? My biggest takeaway from all of these conversations and what I want you to think about as you join us for Season 5 is this: It is through the unique gifts and talents God has given me and God has given you that we are able to connect with God most intimately.
In other words, if you want to connect with God in a deeper way - of course we need to read His word and talk and listen to Him through prayer and worship and community and all the spiritual disciplines, but may I encourage you in another way that is not typically on this list? Embrace the gifts and talents you've been given. Identify these and talk to God about these and why He gave them to you, what He wants you to do with them and how you can serve others through them.
This is not just for adults either. I get to walk alongside high school girls and it's so fun to hear about their extracurricular activities often in the form of prayer requests. One loves equestrian and experiences God through her time with horses, another serves God through CrossFit competitions, another through dance and others through study and drama and so many other avenues. My point is we are all so different. God designed it this way. Embracing our gifts and talents is going to lead us on a different path than our peers, and that's on purpose. As Will once said, if we were all called to farm, we'd have too many farmers and not enough land. We'd also be lacking legal guidance from attorneys and retail clerks at registers and pastors and musicians and teachers and electricians and plumbers and mechanics and you name it.
For those of us with influence on children and teenagers and young adults, may we be intentional to recognize their interests and encourage them in pursuit of their gifts and talents.
For, this is not just for our benefit, but it's meant for others. You see, as we connect deeply and intimately with God, we begin to align our lives and our wills with His will for us and He places us in places and spaces where we can use our gifts and talents to encourage other people.
We're taking an entire season of the podcast to talk about this because we see in the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus was very clear - the gifts and talents we've been given are just that - a gift - and we will be held responsible for how we use them.
So, as you think about goals and resolutions for the new year, I challenge you to go deeper. What is your offering? What gift or talent has God given you? How are you using this? Perhaps these next few minutes can be a time of confession - of not embracing the gift or talent God has given you at all or fully. Perhaps you have embraced it but got a bit confused or consumed in it and recognize how you have taken the glory from God in this. Perhaps fear is holding you back. Afraid of what others may think if you step out boldly and use this for God's glory, you're like the one from the parable in Matthew 25 who hid his talent.
I pray your time of confession with the Lord is met with grace and renewed direction and purpose. As we listen to real-life stories in the coming days and months of how ordinary people like you and me are faithfully stewarding the gifts and talents they've been given, may we find the courage to be faithful stewards of these gifts and talents we've been given and pour these out as a love offering to the One who gave them to us.
Part of my offering is writing. What about you? What gift and talent has God given you? What might change in your life if you embraced this more fully?
Think about this and I'll see you here same time, same place next week!

Let's find strength knowing God is purposeful in the gifts and talents He's uniquely given us and joy as we embrace these as an invitation to deeper intimacy with Him. May His peace guide our decisions as we learn more each day to surrender our will unto His, choosing to make His name greater not our own. May our souls rest from distraction and fear as we cling to the purpose and the love God has for us.
The good life, well it starts with a good day. Then another. Then another. Let's choose to live #TheGoodDay one day at a time.
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