Amen by Rachael Adams
Oh hey, short on time? No worries! I'd love to join you on your commute or daily walk/run, or shoot, even while you take care of that to-do list. We can't let these things get in the way of this friendship. It's just starting to get good! Click below to listen to the blogcast.
Ever felt in over your head?
So much so, you're not even sure what to say, needless what or how to pray?
I'm honored to introduce you to this precious friend of mine, Rachael Adams. She's a radiant soul. In one, simple moment shared with her, you see this. You feel this.
This week, she's sharing a powerful song she's learned to sing in these moments. Small but mighty, this song has the power to quiet our troubled hearts and lead us to trust the One who is bigger than the waves around us.
Rachael lives in Kentucky with her husband and two children and spends her days dreaming up ways of how to remind women that their lives matter. She believes we each have a valuable offering to give. Writing is one of her's. It’s her hope and prayer you’re encouraged by the words offered from her heart.
She's a writer, podcaster and author of a new book to be released this Fall! You're going to want to get her book and get to know this southern mama. I can't express how proud I am for her but more so thrilled for all of us as we get to read the love offering she's poured into these pages.

My alarm rang. It was 3:00 a.m. and it was time to wake up. As my tired eyes opened, my first thought was Amen. It was actually more of a one-lyric song. Lord, thank You for steadying my heart already.
I was scheduled for pre-op at 5:30 a.m. and for surgery at 7:30 a.m. at a hospital out of town. I had followed the doctor’s instructions to stop eating before midnight, and I needed a quick shower to apply my second dose of the antibacterial soap as they had advised. The soap had to sit for five minutes before rinsing it off. As I waited, I silently continued to sing the one-word anthem God had put on my heart. Amen on repeat. Lord, thank You for keeping my mind fixed on You.
Getting ready didn’t take long. They had instructed me to remove all makeup, jewelry, and nail polish. I took one last glance in the mirror to see that the doctors had stripped me of everything, minus the comfortable leisurewear and tennis shoes I had donned—all of which would be removed as soon as I made it to the pre-op room. Amen. Lord, thank You for not removing Your presence.
On the hospital bed was a cotton gown that tied in the back and a pair of thick, rubber-footed socks. My husband secured my gown and gently gathered my hair into the surgery cap. He backed away to allow the nurses to tend to me. When they completed their tasks, my husband returned to spread a warm blanket over my lap. He grabbed my hand and prayed for me. “Amen,” we said in unison. Lord, thank You for Your love expressed through my husband.
It was time for surgery. With a quick kiss on my forehead and a squeeze of my hand, my husband let go and the nurses wheeled me away. I’d waited for this surgery for six weeks, but more than that, I’d waited for the biopsy report from the masses they would remove. While my mind told me to panic, I felt God’s peace that surpassed my understanding. Amen. Lord, thank You for bringing me peace in the midst of my fear.
Five hours later, I woke up from the anesthesia to my husband’s voice. “It’s not cancer. The masses were benign,” he whispered. Tears of relief streamed down both of our faces. Amen! My singing still wasn’t audible, but it reached a crescendo of praise in my heart. Lord, thank You for this good report!
When I returned home to recover, friends and family reached out in numerous ways. I felt so loved by their texts, calls, emails, cards, gifts, presence, and prayers. I knew people were praying for me. I felt them all along. I felt the Lord’s presence and His peace the entire time. He never left my side. I’ve always known this to be the case. However, in times of trouble, especially in our most difficult trials, God quiets our hearts and proves Himself faithful to be present.
In Psalm 57, David faced trouble. This psalm was likely written about the time he had fled from Saul and hid in a cave (1 Samuel 22-24). In the face of the impending danger, David prayed for rescue and mercy. Then he called out to his soul and his instruments to prepare for praise. When confronted with trouble, David’s defense was to praise God. He sang,
My heart is steadfast O God, my heart is steadfast; I will make music. - Psalm 57:7

But the only way his heart could remain steadfast was by focusing on God’s great love and faithfulness.
I didn’t have the forethought to prepare for praise before my surgery, but I did pray for rescue and mercy. God’s rescue and mercy came in the form of His presence. It came in the form of my loved ones, doctors, and nurses. It came in the form of a song. A one-word song. Amen.
Friend, whatever you are facing today that is causing you to worry, may I encourage you to meditate on the love and faithfulness of God? Simply praise Him. You can take a note from my hymnal. The second verse is the same as the first. Just keep singing Amen and watch as God quiets your troubled heart.

Now, It's Your Turn!
Before opening God's Word, take a moment to pray and ask God to meet you there. Then...
Read Psalm 43 a couple times. Highlight what stands out to you.
Circle verbs or specific wording you notice.
Then, write down a bullet point takeaway based on this. "I-statements" help make this personal. Think of this as a challenge statement.
Praising God will quiet my troubled heart.
Then, jot down a question or two to think about today. You don't have to have the answer to this question now. And yield to the Holy Spirit - prayerfully ask God to search your heart and lead you to more truth and grow your faith through the Holy Spirit.
How has God revealed His love and faithfulness to me, especially in times of trouble? How can I prepare for praise?
Again, we don't have to be Bible scholars and talk only in the thou's and art's of King James version to read this book ...because when we pray before we read, we are not alone. The Holy Spirit is with us, guiding and teaching us.
Praise God for this!
And praise God for refreshment as we are intentional to spend a summer in the Psalms together, for if we want His truth to ever be on our lips, it must first be planted in our hearts.
Our strength grows as we rely on strength from above. Our joy grows as we see God transforming us from the inside out. Our peace grows as we spend time in God's presence, and we find rest when we intentionally seek the Lord first in our lives, for the Lord is ever our portion.
The good life, well it starts with a good day. Then another. Then another. Let's choose to live #TheGoodDay one day at a time.
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