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Summer in the Psalms - Psalm 12

Writer's picture: Nikki EvansonNikki Evanson

When I Need a Safe Haven by Nikki Evanson

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Have you ever had someone hurt you? Maybe they hurt something that takes time to mend like your reputation. If we look back to our school days, examples are probably not hard to come by - a careless word, a selfish act.

Today, my friend, Nikki Evanson, is sharing a time when her reputation was threatened at a young age. In doing so, she's helping us relate to Psalm 12 in a tangible way so we can better apply this truth to our current circumstances ...because unfortunately careless words and selfish acts are not something we humans "grow out of" by age eighteen. Rather, we need Someone to rescue us from ourselves.

It's in times like these that we need something - Someone - stronger than the hurt and the pain we feel. We need a strong defense - Someone to stand in the gap for us. We need protection. We need a safe haven.

Nikki Evanson is a wife and mother to two beautiful children. Her mission is to help and equip Christian women to live for Jesus by following Matthew 22:37-39. You can find her site at, or connect with her on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

For months it was so painful to go to school; I dreaded it every morning. I didn’t know what I had done to deserve it when none of my friends wanted to talk to me anymore.

My friends usually made school enjoyable. Fourth grade was hard enough, but now it felt unbearable.

Lunchtime and recess were the worst. I felt so alone when everyone around me was laughing and having fun with their friends. I used to be surrounded by friends engaging me in conversations, too.

Now I was lost in my thoughts and feeling so overwhelmed, sorrowful and heartbroken—wondering what I was going to do.

Eventually, I found out that my best friend thought that I had shared her secret (about the boy she had a crush on) with our other friends. Now, everyone was talking about it.

I would never have done that to her. Although I told her I didn’t do it, she didn’t believe me and all my other friends turned against me. They didn’t want to talk to me, either.

Have you ever experienced someone telling a lie about you? I can understand the pain and hurt you are going through, and your desire for the truth to be known about what really happened. So does God.

He loves you so much and wants to rescue you from this. He knows who you are and the truth of what really happened. He believes you, and you are not alone.

He is with you in every detail, wanting to save you from those who are causing you harm and hurt. He knows you are suffering and wants to comfort you in the meantime.

God wants you to come to Him with this situation so He can help you. In Psalm 12, David reminds us who God is and what He can do for us when we’re facing a difficult circumstance.

You, Lord, will keep the needy safe and protect us forever from the wicked, who freely strut about when what is vile is honored by the human race. - Psalm 12:7-8, NIV

In this time of need, He will be your shelter from those looking to harm you. You can trust this is who God is for you. God hears you and will carry you through this situation no matter how bad things seem for you. He can do it, and He will, because He loves you.

He will not forsake you; He is trustworthy. He is able to make the truth known and also soothe your heart.

He is with you in the trying moments. When it feels like there is no hope—that evil has won out—trust Him. He can vindicate you, as He did for me.

The truth eventually came out, and my best friend believed me. And He can do that for you too.

God is your safe haven and will shield you from people who want to hurt you. He will also mend your heart in the process, making you stronger.

You need not fear that anyone can hurt you. Whatever your situation looks like, know that God is mighty and you don’t have to fear anyone. He sees you and will protect you.

Trust Him and know the truth of who He is. Keep seeking Him, friend, and pour out your heart to Him… knowing He is your refuge and protector. He has got it; evil will not triumph against you.

Now, It's Your Turn!

Before opening God's Word, take a moment to pray and ask God to meet you there. Then...

Read Psalm 12 a couple times. Highlight what stands out to you.

Circle verbs or specific wording you notice.

Then, write down a bullet point takeaway based on this. "I-statements" help make this personal. Think of this as a challenge statement.

  • When it feels like evil has won, I will trust God is my protector and I will cling to Him for my strength. In Him, I will find my safe haven. As I experience this comfort from heaven, I will serve as a safe haven to those who have been hurt on their own paths.

Then, jot down a question or two to think about today. You don't have to have the answer to this question now. And yield to the Holy Spirit - prayerfully ask God to search your heart and lead you to more truth and grow your faith through the Holy Spirit.

  • Do I truly believe God is bigger than this situation? Do I trust God can use even this for my good and His glory? Jesus taught us to pray for our enemies. How can I pray today for the person who has hurt me?

Again, we don't have to be Bible scholars and talk only in the thou's and art's of King James version to read this book. ...because when we pray before we read, we are not alone. The Holy Spirit is with us, guiding and teaching us.

Praise God for this!

And praise God for refreshment as we are intentional to spend a summer in the Psalms together, for if we want His truth to ever be on our lips, it must first be planted in our hearts.

Our strength grows as we rely on strength from above. Our joy grows as we see God transforming us from the inside out. Our peace grows as we spend time in God's presence, and we find rest when we intentionally seek the Lord first in our lives, for the Lord is ever our portion.

The good life, well it starts with a good day. Then another. Then another. Let's choose to live #TheGoodDay one day at a time.

I love hearing from you, so go ahead. Leave a comment. Be brave. Maybe your comment will speak life into someone else!

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