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Our Picture of Thankfulness 2024

Writer: Candace CoferCandace Cofer

The Wonder of You

Oh hey, short on time? No worries! I'd love to join you on your commute or daily walk/run, or shoot, even while you take care of that to-do list. We can't let these things get in the way of this friendship. It's just starting to get good! Click below to listen to the blogcast.

As you may remember, I've previously shared pictures of thankfulness from my back porch. or on a sunrise hike at The Oaks in southern California. Then, of course, our promise day when Will proposed (still gives me butterflies) followed by a reflection of our special day, our wedding the next year (oh, what a holy day it was).

I had no intention when writing that first post of making this a yearly series, but now, it's one of my very favorite reflections to write. This year, it's a bit different - a picture in a picture. Black and white, no color. It's tiny, hard to see. Something only modern-day technology has allowed us to see. And though we've taken many pictures this year, capturing our adventures abroad over the summer and ordinary but sacred moments we've shared at home, this is our picture of thankfulness this year.

We hold this photo with grateful hearts, humbly rejoicing at the miracle God is giving us, and in the same breath, this gratitude overflows into prayers for so many around us who are longing to one day hold a similar photo.

And because it is not lost on me how tender this space is for many, I want to start here.

To those longing to see two pink lines...

Oh, friend, I see you. I grieve with you. Though I have not shared your story, I have walked alongside many women who have, brave women who bare pieces of this tender struggle with me. Those who know this at the onset of starting a family, those who come to know this when adding to their family, those who experience the heartache of miscarriage, and those who carry full term only to say "See you soon" soon after or years after. YOU have been close to our hearts, especially in this season.

It's not a new compassion but a deeper capacity for love and compassion building within me. Friend, I want you to know He sees you. He sees you and He is with you here in this confusion and pain and desire.

This, as with all longings, is another opportunity to learn to trust God. It's harder when the longing is so tender, but until we learn to hand over these tender places in our hearts, our faith cannot be found genuine. And it's important to know struggles are not always a result of not enough faith, but as we see in Scripture, often it is for God's power to be revealed!

I've been learning when we don't get the story we want, if we have the courage to step back and look with eyes of faith, we'll see God has been writing another story all along - a beautiful story we come to know as the one we do want (even when it means enduring the one(s) we don't) as we learn to trust Him. I think this is what Paul meant in Romans 8:28 when he said, "...and we know that for for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose."

No matter how our stories unfold, may we live in a way that God gets the glory from it all. If there's anyone who can make the tragic and trauma of our lives beautiful - truly a story worth telling, it's God. It's His specialty.

In the season before this, God began to remind me of something He taught me in previous times of waiting. As I longed for marriage and a godly husband, God would remind me He cares more about this than I do. This truth returned to me again and I pray it's one that echoes over and over again for you, too:

He cares more about this than you do.

We care a whole lot but He cares even more. A child is a gift, and though we may be given the opportunity to give birth or adopt a child, they are first and foremost His. Our role is to nurture, care, love, lead and guide this child in the Way of Christ, to grow strong in His grace and truth.

The timing is His, and His only, to oversee. God graciously reminded me He has a plan for every child and the timing of their birth is never an accident. He has something for him/her to do and a very important time in history for them to do it. Purpose is breathed into every life. This means it's bigger than me and my longing and it's bigger than you and your longing.

It's the truth I needed to hear and the grace which wrapped me in peace so I could trust God's timing and His way more fully.

Following His way and His lead is no casual "yes." It's a life commitment. Indeed, if Will and I are going to become the father and mother we long to be, it starts today.

And this is true for all of us, no matter what your "today" looks like. If parenting is a distant dream, if you're waiting for two pink lines, if you're waiting for an adoption match, if you help lead children in your circle of care, and even if your children are grown and have children of their own - if we are to become the people we long to be for the next generation, it starts today -

It starts by spending time with God,

It starts by talking to Him,

And listening to Him,

Studying His Way,

Becoming an apprentice - a faithful doer - of His truth and grace.

And goodness, I'm so thankful we don't have to embark on this alone. God is ever near, His Spirit leads and guides us and we have this beautiful community of Christ followers here - where we don't have to have it all together, where we can share our tender vulnerabilities and grow stronger in God's love together so we can walk in His grace and truth more fully with whatever journey lies before us.

The way we feel about this little miracle is opening our eyes and hearts to another glimpse of the love God has for all of us. Here is a little prayer I've written for our firstborn, I pray it encourages you today to see how God sees you and loves you and holds you so faithfully.

The Wonder of You

Before you were born

We wondered when and how you'd come

Trusting God would align His timing with His plan for you

And great big plans for you, oh He has a ton! It doesn't matter what you look like or what you grow up to do

You are loved just as you are because you are ours,

But first you are His,

That's truer than true.

Family, it's God's design

An institution He established, indeed His first

Greater than any business or name we may build

Is the assignment of building a family, living this out verse by verse.

May we remember

Changing the world doesn't require us to reinvent Rome

And though it may never be captured on a news headline

This holy work, it starts in our home

We commit to put first things first

For like a wrongly buttoned shirt

If the first button is missed

The whole system begins to hurt

So with God first and our marriage second

Third is the place for you He ordained

We will lead and grow you by His grace

To become the man or woman of Love He proclaimed

Now we're busy preparing our home for you

Building a pantry and Dad made sure you'll have a tractor to play with too

God is actively preparing our hearts

One sermon, one song, one book, one walk and conversation - it's true

His nearness, His very presence, is breaking through

We pray for you with tears flooding our eyes

For you, we receive as one of God's most beautiful gifts

May you grow strong in the Lord and know how deeply you are loved

And as you live out your purpose, to Him may your eyes lift

Live confident, dear one, God's hand has been with you

His Spirit upon you since before you were born

Indeed, He held you before we could

And He will be faithful to do so forever more


Let's find strength knowing God is all powerful and all knowing and joy as we hear His voice calling us into a great adventure with Him. May the peace of His Son, Jesus, guide our decisions as we learn more each day to surrender our will unto His, trusting His ways are higher and far better than our own. May our souls rest, truly rest from the striving, as we cling to His love so assuredly.

The good life, well it starts with a good day. Then another. Then another. Let's choose to live #TheGoodDay one day at a time.

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