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Candace Cofer
Feb 9, 20217 min read
Forget Me Not - Part 1
The thoughtfulness behind the gesture always speaks the loudest. And the opposite is equally as strong - we don't want to be forgotten.

Candace Cofer
Dec 22, 20206 min read
Home for the Holidays - Part 4
Having fridge rights is a beautiful thing. It means we're in. We don't have to dress nice or say the right things. It means we belong.

Candace Cofer
Dec 15, 20205 min read
Home for the Holidays - Part 3
What's with the Christmas trees, y'all? They're not cheap. They hurt. Not easily to put up or tear down. Why do we go to all the effort?

Candace Cofer
Dec 8, 20206 min read
Home for the Holidays - Part 2
We prepare for Christmas by lighting our roofs, trees and homes with lots and lots of lights. What's the big deal with all the lights?

Candace Cofer
Nov 24, 20208 min read
On the Corner of Classen and 10th
Contentment and thankfulness - what can we learn from those on our on our street corners and resting behind buildings in our towns?

Candace Cofer
Oct 27, 20207 min read
Let's Make a Deal
Borrowing a line from Charles Dickens when it comes to expectations - "It was the best of times. It was the worst of times."

Candace Cofer
Oct 20, 20207 min read
Link to Listen - Part 2
Scribbles and Right-ness. Is it possible to be right and win at the same time? Can the two coexist?

Candace Cofer
Oct 13, 20207 min read
Link to Listen - Part 1
Opinions. We all got ‘em. How do we make sure these don't control us? How do we approach the intimidating middle ground of opinions?

Candace Cofer
Sep 22, 20207 min read
Kids Say the Darnedest Things
We mess up. We get scratched. Someone else hurts us, or we do the hurting. How do we allow these things to prepare us rather than define us?

Candace Cofer
Sep 15, 20206 min read
How do we find joy and peace in the midst of our shaky circumstances and the events of this world? Maybe the answer is all around us.

Candace Cofer
Sep 8, 20207 min read
Getting Out There Again
Fear of rejection and failure - it can paralyze us. Leave us feeling stuck. How do we learn to become comfortable being uncomfortable?

Candace Cofer
Aug 31, 20207 min read
The Good Day
What if we measure the day not by the productivity achieved or lack of failures involved, but by the strength, joy, and peace it held?
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