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Candace Cofer
Sep 5, 20238 min read
A New Face Around Here
As The Good Day turns THREE (3 whole years, can you believe it?!), the biggest change is... there's a new face around here! Meet Will!

Candace Cofer
Jan 3, 20239 min read
12 Books of 2022
It's that time again... sharing the stories read and wisdom gained in the last year. Reading at least one book a month - here are my favs!

Candace Cofer
Oct 25, 20227 min read
The Bible 101 - Part 21
It's time to build the church. Again, we see God use an unlikely person, who endures shipwreck and imprisonment to spread the Good News.

Nicole Williams
Jun 28, 20225 min read
Summer in the Psalms - Psalm 22
How do we experience God? How can we step into His presence in our ordinary, everyday lives?

Candace Cofer
Jan 4, 20225 min read
12 Books of 2021
"Never trust a man whose TV is larger than his bookshelf." Ouch. Inspired to read more this year and sharing a few of my favorites with you!

Candace Cofer
Nov 23, 20217 min read
10 Things I Learned in Fall '21
Reflecting on this last season - a season of patience - makes me realize the embrace/wrestle relationship I have with patience...

Candace Cofer
Aug 31, 20216 min read
10 Things I Learned in Summer '21
Reflecting on the change in our lives, helps us learn to embrace each season for what it offers and, in doing so, draw us into gratitude.

Candace Cofer
Aug 3, 20216 min read
Redesign - Part 1
The DIY mentality, when it comes to faith and our hearts, is completely overrated. Let's not let insecurity keep us from genuine connection.

Candace Cofer
Jul 20, 20215 min read
I Spy
In "I Spy," there's one unspoken rule. As adults, we're not playing "I Spy" but we still follow this same rule everywhere we go.

Candace Cofer
Jul 13, 20216 min read
Writing Letters - Part 4
Letters - even those from the ancient of days - can serve to remind us we are not alone and we always have a reason to rejoice!

Candace Cofer
Jul 6, 20216 min read
Writing Letters - Part 3
I'm not sure what's heavy on your heart. But, I do know we can all use more faith. What if five minutes could do just that?

Candace Cofer
Jun 29, 20215 min read
Writing Letters - Part 2
This letter was a simple reminder of friendship, selflessness and how God can use us in unexpected ways to be a light in a dark world.

Candace Cofer
Jun 22, 20215 min read
Writing Letters - Part 1
In a world filled emails and phone calls and texts and DM's and tweets, a plain piece of paper holds newfound intimacy.

Candace Cofer
Mar 2, 20217 min read
10 Things I Learned in Winter '21
Whether rewinding a show or our lives, we're able to see things we missed the first time around and understand the purpose of the season.

Candace Cofer
Feb 16, 20217 min read
Forget Me Not - Part 2
What do we do when the person we need doesn't show up? What if that Someone is God?

Candace Cofer
Feb 9, 20217 min read
Forget Me Not - Part 1
The thoughtfulness behind the gesture always speaks the loudest. And the opposite is equally as strong - we don't want to be forgotten.

Candace Cofer
Feb 2, 20216 min read
Whispers are powerful. Our ears - even our hearts and minds - have a tendency to listen to these ever-so-soft voices. Who is speaking?

Candace Cofer
Jan 26, 20217 min read
Dealing Hope
Sometimes, the surface is a mask. Often, there's a lot more beneath the surface if we date have the courage to look.

Candace Cofer
Jan 19, 20216 min read
Never have I ever said, "I have chills." But now, I get to eat my words. Evidence of God's faithfulness brings a lot more than chills.

Candace Cofer
Jan 12, 20217 min read
One Word '20
Is one word really that powerful? Can it call us to a higher standard? What word will it be for you this year?
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